Liste der Internationalen Kooperationen
Prof. Dr. Tadayoshi Asano - Yamamura Gakuen College, Japan |
Prof. Dr. Hamish Coates - Tsinghua University, Beijing, China |
Prof. Dr. Jinsoo Hahn - Gyeongin National University of Education, Korea |
Prof. Dr. Kyungdong Hahn - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea |
Prof. Kyungho Jang - Inha University, Korea |
Prof. Abe Shintaro - Josai International University, Japan |
Yuji Shirakawa - Chiba University, Japan |
Prof. Dr. Reiko Yamada - Doshisha University, Japan |
Prof. Dr. Michio Yamaoka - Waseda University, Japan |
Prof. Dr. Ross Guest – Griffith University, Australien |
Prof. John Hattie – University of Melbourne, Australien |
Dr. Jacob Pearce - Assessment and Psychometric Research, Australien |
Dr. Mike Timms – Australien Council for Educational Research (ACER), Australien |
Dr. Timo Bechger – Cito, Arnhem, Niederlande |
Prof. Alvin Birdi – University of Bristol, UK |
Prof. Dr. Sigrid Blömeke – CEMO, Norwegen |
Prof. Dr. Els Boshuizen - Open University, Heerlen, Niederlande |
Prof. Stuart C. Brand - Birmingham City University, UK |
Dr. Ellie Clewlow – St. John’s College, UK |
Daniele Checchi - Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca (ANVUR), Italien |
Prof. em. Dr. Dres. h.c Rolf Dubs – Universität St. Gallen, Schweiz |
Prof. em. Dr. Franz Eberle – Universität Zürich, Schweiz |
Prof. Stefano Fantoni – President of the Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca (ANVUR), Italien |
Prof. Dr. Jean-Paul Fox – University of Twente, Niederlande |
Prof. Dr. Isak Froumin - Higher School of Economics, Moskau, Russland |
Prof. Dr. Samuel Greiff – University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg |
Yulia Grinkevich - Higher School of Economics, Moskau, Russland |
Jan-Eric Gustafsson – University of Gothenburg, Schweden |
Dr. Laura Helle - University of Turku, Finnland |
Dr. Elena Kardanova - Higher School of Economics, Moskau, Russland |
Dr. Yulia P. Lezhnina - Higher School of Economics, Moskau, Russland |
Prof. Dr. (Emeritus) Christoph Metzger – Universität St. Gallen, Schweiz |
Dr. Oleg Podolskiy – The National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Moskau, Russland |
Prof. Dr. Raffaella Rumiati – Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca (ANVUR), Italien |
Prof. Dr. Dr. Christiane Spiel – Universität Wien, Österreich |
Prof. Dr. Jani Ursin - University of Jyväskylä, Finnland |
Prof. Dr. Rolf van der Velden – Maastricht University, Niederlande |
Julián P. Mariño - Institute for the Promotion of Higher Education (ICFES), Kolumbien |
Javier Diaz de la Serna – CIEES, Mexico |
Rafael Vidal Uribe – CIEES, Mexico |
Prof. Dr. Patricia Alexander – University of Maryland (College Park), USA |
Prof. Dr. Alicia Alonzo – Michigan State University, USA |
Prof. Carlos Asarta – University of Delaware (Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics), USA |
Prof. Dr. Amanda Bayer - Swarthmore College Pennsylvania, Department of Economics, USA |
Prof. Dr. Camilla Benbow – Vanderbilt University, Nashville (Peabody College), USA |
Dr. Roger Benjamin – Council for Aid to Education (CAE), New York, USA |
Prof. Dr. (Emeritus) David Berliner – Arizona State University, USA |
Prof. Dr. William Bosshardt – Florida Atlantic University, USA |
Prof. Dr. Henry Braun – Boston College, USA |
Diane Lalancette – Council of Ministers of Education (CMEC), Kanada |
Prof. Dr. Li Cao – University of West Georgia (College of Education), USA |
Aoife Cahill - National Center of Research on Evaluation, Standards and Student Testing (ETS), USA |
Prof. Dr. Kai Schnabel Cortina – University of Michigan (College of Literature, Science, and the Arts), USA |
Stephen Day – Virginia Commonwealth University (Center for Economic Education), USA |
Dr. Tom van Essen - National Center of Research on Evaluation, Standards and Student Testing (ETS), USA |
Prof. Howard Gardner – Harvard Graduate School of Education, USA |
Prof. Dr. Ronald K. Hambleton – University of Massachusetts (College of Education), USA |
Prof. Dr. Daniel Koretz – Harvard Graduate School of Education, USA |
Dr. Lydia Liu – National Center of Research on Evaluation, Standards and Student Testing (ETS), USA |
Dr. Prashant Loyalka – Stanford University (Graduate School of Education), USA |
Prof. Dr. David Lubinski – Vanderbilt University, Nashville (Peabody College), USA |
Prof. Dr. (Emeritus) Robert J. Mislevy – University of Maryland, USA |
Prof. Dr. James W. Pellegrino – University of Illinois at Chicago, USA |
Prof. Dr. Georg Schaur – University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA |
Prof Dr. William Schmidt – Michigan State University, USA |
Prof. Dr. (Emeritus) Richard Shavelson – Standford University, USA |
Prof. Dr. (Emeritus) Lee Shulmann – Stanford Graduate School of Education, USA |
Prof. Dr. William B. Walstad – University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA |
Dr. Edward W. Wiley – Stanford University, USA |
Prof. Dr. Mark R. Wilson – Berkeley University of California, USA |
Prof. Sam Wineburg – Graduate School of Education at Stanford University, USA |
Assistant Prof. Doris Zahner – Columbia University, USA |
Dr. Adolfo M. García – Laboratory of Experimental Psychology and Neuroscience at the Institute of Cognitive and Translational Neuroscience, Argentinien |